Management system tool

Manufacturer : Matachana / Spain

EasyLOOK - Connectivity with monitoring and tracking software:
The EasyLOOK software is designedto ensure a total management of the sterilization process that allows to obtain the process 
documentation of the washer-thermodisinfectors, sealers and sterilizers
EasyLOOK is an application compatible with the tasks within a network and can simultaneously show the conditions of several 
units in different workstations.It enables to display all data related to the process: serial number, run date, alarms, number of 
cycles, process parameters, user, loads, etc 

MATACHANA provides solutions for the management and tracking of the instruments during the sterilization process and its use 
in the surgical area. The management system includes controlling the processes of washing, packaging, sterilization, storage, 
logistics and identifcation of sterile material, along with the medical record of the patient in the operating room.